Na uitgebreide tests is nu open voor algemeen gebruik: een tool voor netwerk-analyse en datavisualisatie, onder meer gebruikt voor de projecten The Migrants Files en The Belarus Networks. Check out what’s new, volgens de makers, en geef hen feedback voor een nog mooier stuk gereedschap:
- We gathered feedback from 700 beta testers around the globe, mostly working as investigative journalists and analysts at international organizations
- Anyone can import data from a CSV and visualize it as a network
- We made private investigations free for all
- We made a visual data structure editor so that anyone can customize the structure of a new data collection. In short, can save you a lot of money if you plan a special app: it takes care of all the back end so that you can focus on the front.
- A custom API is created for every data collection, so that integration with an interactive app is seamless
- We reworked the network visualizations and they’re now embeddable into news articles.