Conferentie, Kenniscentrum, Nieuws

Are journalists suffering from burnout?

Are journalists suffering from burnout? Lector-journalist Marleen Teugels and psychology professor Elke Van Hoof from the Center for Expertise in Journalism at the Ghent Arteveldehogeschool studied burnout with the complete group of Flemish journalists earlier this year, using internationally validated scales (such as the Maslach Burnout Inventory scale). At the VVOJ conference they reveal important new research data.

Are journalists passionately working hard to good a good job? Are they suffering from growing workloads, late hours, and deadly competition? Bad working conditions might have consequences on the quality of journalism. And might negatively influence the possibility to do investigative high quality projects. Research data might be used in negotiations with Belgian editors and authorities. And might lead to the development of stress prevention programmes that are specifically designed for (future) journalists.

Research data will confidentially be discussed at the VVOJ conference in Brussels during the workshop about ‘Time management and stress reduction‘, this Friday 21 November at 2 pm.

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