
Travel to Antwerp

Antwerp is located in the northwest of Belgium. It is easily accessible by boat (United Kingdom), car (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany) or train (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom [Eurostar]).

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Public transportation
You can reach Antwerp with a direct train from all major cities in Belgium. Antwerp has a direct train connection from Brussels airport Zaventem, with trains twice per hour.

Schedule Brussels International Airport – Antwerp Central Station:
First train from Brussels International Airport – Antwerp Central Station
Departure at 05.44am
Arrival at 06.18am

Last train from Brussels International Airport – Antwerp Central Station
Departure at 21.44pm
Arrival at 22.18pm

First train from Antwerp Central Station – Brussels International Airport
Departure at 06.42am
Arrival at 07.16am

Last train from Antwerp Central Station – Brussels International Airport
Departure at 21.42pm
Arrival at 22.16pm.
(Every hour is same train schedule in both directions).

For the full train schedule, go to the Belgian National Railways

The Meistraat Campus is located just a few minutes walk from Antwerp Central station. For more information and a map, go here.

Car & parking
You can park your car at a special Vinci parking place nearby the Meistraat campus.

You can travel to Antwerp by ferry. There are direct connections from Hull to Zeebrugge (near Antwerp) and from Ramsgate to Ostend. In both cases, you will need to travel on to Antwerp, but particularly if you take your own car on the ferry, this will go very fast. To book a ferry from the UK to Belgium, go here.

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