
Stephen Engelberg (English)

StephenEngelberg.jpg Stephen Engelberg is managing editor of Pro Publica. Previously he worked for The Oregonian in Portland and The New York Times. At the NYT, he worked among others as correspondent in Warsaw, Poland, shortly after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Stephen Engelberg works primarily as an investigative journalist. He received the George Polk award twice (1989 en 1995) and once ended second for the Pulitzer prize.
Engelberg lectures regurlarly about business models. He is a co-author of Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War (2001)
Stories, The New York Times
Recensie Germs
Stephen Engelberg op Twitter
Stephen Engelberg about non-profit editorial boards (video)
Stephen Engelberg about business models for online journalism (video)
Photo: Lars Klove

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