
2010 Conference Ghent (English)

VVOJ Conference 2010 Ghent, Belgium: November 19-20
The next conference of the Dutch-Belgian Investigative Journalists’ Association VVOJ is to take place on Friday November 19 and Saturday November 2010 in the Belgian town of Ghent. This year’s theme is Journalism on the Edge. The lectures, training sessions and workshops will focus on the latest developments in this area. Other topics to be discussed are research methods, publication options and business models.
You can find the full program – in Dutch – here. The English program, comprising all English sessions, can be found here.
Registration has begun!
Go to the registation form
Participation fee is € 195,-. Non-VVOJ-members pay € 390,-. Students (must be or become members of the VVOJ, and are required to show student ID) pay just € 99,- (excluding the Friday night dinner).
Group fees
If newsmedia want to attend the conference with a minimum of 5 participants, please ask for our special group rate!
Cancellation is possible for free up to six week before of the conference. Between six to two weeks, a 50 percent cancellation fee is charged. In the last two weeks leading up to the conference, cancelling is no longer possible, though you may request our secretariat to have someone else take your place (please send your request to or call +31-30–2193011). A cancellation fee of 25 euros in administrative fees will be charged.
Previous editions
Utrecht 2009
On Friday November 27 and Saturday November 28, the VVOJ Conference 2009 took place in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The theme was More with Less, or: how to do more and better research during times of crisis.
Brussel 2008: European Investigative Journalism Conference
On Friday November 21 and Saturday November 22 2008 the European Investigative Journalism Conference took place in Brussels, Belgium.
Groningen 2007
On Friday November 16 and Saturday November 17, the VVOJ Conference 2007 took place in Groningen, the Netherlands.
Mechelen 2006
On Friday November 17 and Saturday November 18, the VVOJ Conference took place in Mechelen, Belgium.
3rd Global Investigative Journalism Conference, Amsterdam 2005
Rotterdam 2004
Utrecht 2003

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