Biografie, Woo

Karel Platteau (English)

Karel PlatteauKarel Platteau (°1982) is the assistant director of the Pascal Decroos Fund, editor-in-chief of and, the online reflection room of the Flemish media. Deputy editor of, a site to promote access to information legislation. He co-ordinates the post-academic course International Researchjournalism. He lectures about Wobbing (Hogeschool Utrecht, Netherlands), investigative journalism and computer assisted reporting (Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel). Karel is a board member of the Dutch-Flemish organization of investigative journalists (VVOJ) and of the Scriptie vzw.

He studied Journalism at the University College Erasmus and has a master of science in International Applied Communication at the  University of Central Lancashire, England. His interests are media, communication and politics. His dada are web 2.0 and e-learning.

More about Karel


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