Biografie, Woo

Brigitte Alfter (English)

Brigitte AlfterBrigitte Alfter, born 1966 in Germany, journalist based in Brussels and Copenhagen. Brigitte was the Brussels-correspondent for the Danish daily newspaper Information from 2004-2008, is co-founder of and the manager of the Scoop project.

Brigitte has covered European affairs and EU-matters for a number of years, she uses freedom of information legislation as a journalistic tool and conducts training on the subject. She is knowledgeable in media and minority issues.

A board member of the Danish Association for Investigative Journalism FUJ since 2002, from 2002-2007 she is the manager of Scoop, a support structure for investigative reporting in the Balkans and the Ukraine. She is the deputy chairperson of FUJ’s International Committee and a board member of the German association Netzwerk Recherche. Brigitte is a member of the network for journalist’s and officials on wobbing provided by the the Danish journalism training Update.

In December 2006 Brigitte was among the nominees for the Danish Cavling award, the most important journalist award in Denmark. And in 2007 she was on the winning team for the wob-award of the American Investigative Editors and Reporters, IRE.

The Pascal Decroos Fund
Netzwerk Recherche

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