Conferentie, Kenniscentrum

Top Tools & Techniques

Top Tools & Techniques for Online Investigations

On this session, participants will discover the online tools & techniques that will help them investigate websites and the organisations or individuals behind them. Much of this is esoteric, almost forbidden knowledge used by just a handful of computer bores with no social life. Some of the techniques sail close to the edge of normal journalistic practice and should only be used under certain circumstances. Some are dazzling, innovative ways of using sites we are already familiar with.

After the session, those attending will approach their research differently. They will no longer be hostage to the whims of Google, instead they will manipulate the Web to give them the information they need, from sources they trust.

The session will also arm them with techniques and tools that enable them to look behind the scenes of a website, find information that they aren’t supposed to see and break down walls of anonymity that protect sites they are investigating. They will be able to link businesses that don’t want to be linked. Trace site owners that don’t want to be traced. Even travel back through time to grab facts for a successful search.

The software used will be Internet Explorer and possibly Windows media player and those present will see how the tools and techniques apply to real life examples – some of which have featured in BBC programmes.

Trainer: Paul Myers

When? Friday November 21st, 3.45 PM and Saturday November 22nd, 02.00 PM
Where? Erasmushogeschool, Room 3.08

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