Conferentie, Kenniscentrum

Going deep: Investigative method and management

Mark L. Hunter will provide managers at the European Investigative Journalism Conference with an introduction into the training program he developed to give journalists cutting-edge tools and processes to create independent, exclusive content that builds value for readers, viewers ánd enterprises. His Friday afternoon session is part of the so called ‘managers track’, open to managers, editors-in-chief and senior editors (separate registration required).

Hunters process of story-based inquiry is the leading method to conceive, define, manage and promote depth reporting projects (including but not limited to investigations). His method is field-tested, and, as he will explain in this session, the benefits of his  method are multiple. “We help reporters to do their work more effectively and economically. We enable editors to better manage depth reporting projects and deliverables. And we enable executives to promote content more effectively and achieve greater viewer impact.”

All of this cannot be done in 75 minutes of course. This session may be viewed as an acquaintance with “the Hunter method”, a demonstration of its benefits and an inspiration for future reference. For VVOJ plans to bring him back to the Netherlands and Belgium in the spring of 2009, to teach a modular program catered towards the needs of media managers.

Dr. Mark Lee Hunter, Adjunct Professor and Senior Research Fellow at INSEAD, Paris, is one of the foremost investigative media trainers in the world, with well over a decade’s experience teaching at professional and executive levels. His repeat clients have ranged from Reuters and France 3 Télévision to the U.S. Dept. of State and the energy firms BP and Electricité de France.  Dr. Hunter is also an award-winning practitioner, with prizes from Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), the world’s leading association in the field, as well as the Society of Professional Journalists, National Headliners, Clarion, and H.L. Mencken Free Press Awards. He is the author of a forthcoming (fall 2008) manual on investigative reporting, and originator of the “Business Models for Investigative Journalism Project” in the Global Investigative Journalism Network.

Speaker: Mark Hunter
Moderator: Margo Smit

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