
Stay tuned

RSSfeeds in all forms are a powerful instrument for journalists to cover a subject during a longer period of time.
There are stand-alone RSSfeeds, like Omea Reader, or integrated readers, like the one Google offers. Both are useful in their own way, and you will learn how to successfully let them do boring and time-consuming work for you.
During this hands-on training you will learn to constantly keep track of changes on websites that interest you. You not only learn how to set up various kinds of RSSfeeds but you also learn how to organize and store the information that interests you. This training will offer you an easy way to beat information overload.
There is also a way to keep track of websites that don’t have RSSfeeds: you will be introduced to other website watchers.
Be lazy, but stay tuned!

Trainer: Tricia Bots

When? Saturday November 22st, 10.45 AM
Where? Erasmushogeschool, Room 3.01

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