Luuk Sengers is a freelance investigative reporter and journalism lecturer. He has worked as an editor for newspapers and national magazines (GPD, NRC Handelsblad, Quote, Intermediair) for sixteen years. Since 2005 he is self-employed. He writes about environmental and social issues. He has done investigative pieces about train accidents, hormone disrupting chemicals in drinking water, unsafe baby food, wage differences, unfairness in the tax system, diminishing social security and rising poverty.
Luuk is journalism lecturer at the Katholieke Hogeschool Mechelen in Belgium and teaches research techniques to journalists at Centrum voor Communicatie en Journalistiek in Utrecht, Hogeschool voor Journalistiek in Tilburg and De Redactie. He wrote CAR training programs for journalism organisations in the Middle-East and in Eastern Europe, is co-author of an investigative reporting handbook (to be published soon) and gave CAR training sessions on several international conferences about investigative journalism.
Luuk is also co-founder and member of the Investigative Reporters Network Europe (IRENE), co-founder of European Center for Computer-Assisted Reporting (ECCAR) and board member of the VVOJ.
(foto © Grenzeloze fotografie)
Luuk Sengers
On the record